How to Create Sticky Ideas?

I have always craved for a magical formula for creating gooooood ideas. 

It occurred that there is a real formula which is pretty useful and very helpful. You just need to know 6 essential principles for creating the best idea which will catch the attention and will be remembered. And thanks to Chip & Dan Heath I discovered 6 life-saving navigators which are the perfect guide when you are out of creativity.  

SUCCESs – this is the name of the precious formula which consists of 6 principles which should be followed in order to generate fantastic ideas. 

SUCCESs is the abbreviation of: 
Stories (storytelling) 

That means good ideas are simple, unexpected, concrete, credible, emotional or are told as stories. All of these 6 factors can help you when you are lost in the process of generating cool ideas. I should confess that I immediately and intentionally tried some of the principles at work when working with journalists and providing them information. And judging by the results and the high media interest which was provoked towards a campaign that I am responsible for, I may conclude that these principles work when used properly! We just have to know them and remember them as rules which will navigate us in the process of creating ideas.

And “Made to Stick” is already my favorite book because it gave me clever tricks how to transform an idea into a fantastic idea. 

Good things happen accidentally. That’s how I understood about this book. One day I discovered an interesting article presenting “Made to Stick” and the title sounded really sticky to me. I wanted to read this book because from time to time I was suffering from creativity hunger and inspiration. The book provides not only clever and useful ideas how to be creative but the authors also show how some not so good ideas can be transformed according the SUCCESs principles. It is absolutely easy readable and fascinating. For sure, it is one of the most essential books for communication specialists. 

If I have my own PR agency, for example, it will be the “must-read” book for everybody of the team…


  • What do you think about brainstorming? It is also a very powerful tool for generating ideas, if you know how to structurally order your ideas and systematize your associations.

  • Hey,

    I stumbled upon your blog, and it's definitely interesting. I love meeting and connecting with new people online as well, check out my blog and see if it can be added to your "blogs I follow" haha, no pun intended. That being said, I enjoy social media also ... holla

    Warm regards,
    Vitaly Tennant

  • @ Kalin: I consider brainstorming is the core process of creating ideas. Of course, it is very important to know how to manage it, to see the nice ideas, to be concentrated on the aim, etc. But the SUCCESs formula is a strategy to structure, express, present your ideas to the publics. That's why I think that this formula should be used during the brainstorming process.

  • @ Vitaly: Hey, it is really nice to meet you and to hear that you find my blog interesting. This gives me even more inspiration for my writing. :) There is one thing u should know about me: I am a social media addicted O_o haha

    Well, I am working on my new site which is going to be launched in September 2010 and it will be a fresh update of this blog. May be we can collaborate together & keep in contact. :)

    You can write me at pgeorgieva in twitter or at ng.petya [at] gmail.

    Wish you all the best,

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