Andy Green: Interactivity Provides More Opportunities for PR People

Andy Green: "Curiosity Develops Our Creativity"

Andy Green is author, international conference speaker, trainer, facilitator, and Brand PR consultant who was the guest speaker during the Creativity Days (check out what I have already written about it). Andy Green is an expert on flexible thinking, creativity, and communications and lectures around the world on these subjects. I am glad that I had  the opportunity to ask Andy Green several questions in the contex of these topics. Here is a short interview with him about creativity, current tendencies in PR and personal brandcasting:
Are you writing a new book? And can I write the introduction? Of course, that’s a joke :) 

That will be a good collaboration. :) Well, I have 3 or 4 ideas for books ranging from a children's book up to a book about how to use the London Underground. I have lots of ideas and I want to write another books about flexible thinking, opportunities spotting and personal brandcasting.

Could you name one everyday activity which can develop our creativity?

Curiosity. Just seek inspiration from any and every opportunity.

I’m happy that one your PR strategy saved Treats Ice Cream from closure because ice cream is always essential especially in the summer. But I wonder: What are the 3 top essential abilities that PR professionals working in the current digital world should have?

It is a key ability to use technology and certainly social media. I would say talso o have awareness of  brand communication, knowing about your brand, what its story, what its narrative. I think its grate potential for PR people to become more important in communications and to be leading people in shaping, creating, modeling the organizations’ brand narrative, the brand story, rather than just being a messenger.

Is social media helping the PR people to be more creative or makes them lazier?
I think it's helping them to be more creative improving their networking and connectivity. Also introducing urgency in communications. But the negative is that it makes them more short-term focused.

I like your term “personal broadcasting” and my next question is in this context. What would you advise recent graduates in the field in order to popularize themselves as PR brands?

Firstly, manage your brand. Define what are your icons
. And then identify your connectors – who are the people who are going to create opportunities for you.

And last but not least, how do you see the global development of public relations industry?

I see much grater interactivity. My trip to Australia highlighted that. We have a partnership with an Australian agency, and when we go to bed these people just start working and that makes us an 24-hour agency. And the interactivity provides more opportunities. 


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